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6 + 1.. What is it?

The obvious, and mathematical, answer to this question is 7. However, in terms of our class, we use the 6 + 1 method approach to writing. You are probably wondering why they do not just call it the 7 steps to writing, I have absolutely no answer for that. However, what I can tell you is that these seven steps have been developed by the National Education Association as a way for teachers to teach and respond to student writing.


So this is a tool for teachers?

Not necessarily a tool JUST for teachers. It is a set of organizational tools that should be used in an effort to become good writers that get their point accross effectively.  


Is it necessary?

In order to meet or exceed the expectations of the common core state standards, these seven steps are necessary for teachers to teach, as well as for students to master in order to align their writing assignments with common core standards for literacy throughout their school careers.



The Seven Steps

ONE: Ideas

Ideas are the main message of the piece. 


Each writing assignment will include in class time to come up with an idea for the assigned writing topic.

TWO: Organization

The internal structure of the piece


We will spend a considerable amount of time learning how to organize our writing and planning our papers so they flow neatly. 

THREE: Voice

The personal tone of the authors message


Prior to practicing this in our own writing, we will practice identifying tone in our readings and identify clues that helped us determine what the tone is. We will then transfer those skills over to our writing assignments.

FOUR: Word Choice

The vocabulary a writer chooses to convey meaning


Students will be encouraged to find different synonyms for common words to help develop their writing as well as deepend their vocabulary.

FIVE: Sentence Fluency

rhythm and flow of the language


Students will learn to develop better sentence fluency through writing practice and through the use of a rough draft to allow myself or the aide to review their writing and identify any issues with their sentence structure and fluency.

Six: Conventions

The mechanical correctness


During each writing workshop, we will work on the five areas of correctness that should be present in all writing pieces. The five areas are: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar/usage, and paragraphing.

Seven: Presentation

How the writing actually looks on paper


This applies both visually and textually. THe elements according to the NEA that are most important to the presentation aspect of writing are as follows: Balance of white space with visuals and text, graphics, neatness, handwriting, font selection, borders, and overall appearance

6 +1 Writing Resources

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