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In my classroom, I think it is extremely imprtant that I form working relationships with my students. I promise to work closely with each student to understand his or her academic needs and strengths. I believe that it is the teachers foremost responsibility to create a safe learning environment for his or her students and part of that safe environment comes from letting our students know that we are there to help them in whatever way they need. By making myself approachable to my students, they will feel comfortable coming to me with any issues they are having whether those are personal issues or academic ones. Being an effective teacher is one thing but to be an effective teacher that also show compassion towards their students is another. I hope to create an environment in my classroom that my students will remember forever. I have teachers that inspired me to go into education, I hope to be that role model to some of my students as well!


When it comes to assessing my students, I will use the following forms of assessment:

  1. Observation​

    1. by walking around the room while students are working together I will be able to listen to what they are discussing, stop and assist and see if there are any common misunderstandings about material that we need to go over again.​

  2. Quick quizzes

    1. Quick five question quizzes at the end of certain lessons will give me a better understanding of whether or not the class has a good grasp on the material and are ready to move onto the nex lesson. Or if we need to revisit anything.​

  3. 3-2-1

    1. Students will sometimes be asked to write down a few things that they learned that day. Usually 3 things they learned, 2 things that they wan to know more abou and 1 question that they still have. â€‹

  4. Bell ringers

    1. I will always start the day with some kind of bell ringer, whether that is a short answer, a math problem or a topic for a quick discussion, we will begin the day with a brief review of the lesson from the day before.​


Instructional Strategies & Methods

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