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Rewards & Consequences

 During out first day of school after reviewing the rules and expectations, we will discuss punishments and rewards for what happens when you follow my rules and expectations and when you do not. Punishments are not an opportunity to embarrass a student but rather ask that they reflect on what they did wrong and what decision needs to be made next time so it does not happen again. In my class we will utilize the "warm fuzzies" act of reinforcement and punishment. Warm fuzzies (the fuzzy craft balls) are a way for students to visually see how good, or not so good, they are doing with their class participation and behavior. The warm fuzzies will work like this.. for each student that is acting in the desireable manner as outlined by my rules and expectations, they will receive a small fuzzy, worth 1 credit. When a student is doing something exceptional, without being asked to such as assisting a student with a problem or lending a hand to a special needs student in our class, the will receive a large fuzzy, worth 10 credits. The fuzzies will be kept in a cup with a lid on their desk that they are not to touch. Touching the cup without my permission will result in ALL fuzzies being taken away and starting over. Each week we will have cash in day where students will be allowed to exchange their credits for a coupon, or simply ask for their credits to be logged so they can continue saving for the coupon they really want! Coupons will be things like sit at the teachers desk, wear your slippers, enjoy a piece of candy, listening to a students [appropriate] music of choice during activity time etc. It's simple, fun, and a great way to keep students on track and constantly aware of the classroom rules and regulations.


The whole class jar. On my desk, there will be a warm fuzzies jar (much larger than the cups given to the students) where a warm fuzzy will be added if the entire class is working hard and acting appropriately. If the students fill the jar, as a class by their stellar actions and kindness, we will have a class party! 


This will help to keep the students motivated, engaged and attentive to what we are learning and the actions they are taking. 


This system of rewards will align with Illinois Social and Emotional Standards:

  • 1B.1a. Identify one’s likes and dislikes, needs and wants, strengths and challenges.

  • 2B.1a. Describe the ways that people are similar and different.

  • 2B.1b. Describe positive qualities in others.

  • 3A.1a. Explain why unprovoked acts that hurt others are wrong.

  • 3B.1b. Make positive choices when interacting with classmates.


Through using the rewards system, students will be encouraged to reognize and learn about eachothers differences, be able to explain why they are different from eachother, express kindness and compliment others, reflect on their bad decisions and work together to discuss why it was bad and what to do instead next time and of course to make positive choices when interacting with classmates and choosing positive words to encourage eachother. 


As far as consequences for my class, aside from the loss of warm fuzzies for poor actions, there will be five levels:


Level 1- Verbal warning. Students will be verbally warned if I notice an undesireable behavior or they are not doing what was asked of them

Level 2- 5 minutes in the "Cool Down Corner". Located in one corner of the classroom will be a single desk with a notebook where students will be asked to sit and write about what they did wrong, why they were punished for it and what they will do better next time so it does not happen again. This letter will have to be taken home, signed by a parent and returned to me the next day.

Level 3 - Teacher Conference - I will pull the student into the hallway to have a one on one conversation with them about their behavior and work with them to resolve it. 

Level 4 - Principals Office referral- students will be asked to have a discussion with the school principal if the behavior persists. It is at this time that parents will also be contacted regarding the issue. 

Level 5 - Conference - if the behavior continually persists, I will call for a meeting with myself, the parents and the principal to discuss the issue and work collectively to come up with the best resolution for the student. 

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